Session 2.1

Area 2. MYH4D CoP of people who live with dementia and family caregivers

Session 2.1: Free time and games

Social, physical and cognitive exercises are protective activity to the brain of people with dementia, to maintain skills and competences. This session offers psychoeducational knowledge about active and healthy style of life including "cognitive gym" indoor both digital and board tables. More generally MYH4D consortium improves also e-health literacy in the adult/senior person with dementia and in the family caregivers. An e-health literate community of people with dementia and their family caregivers is an innovative contribution to get information from electronic sources and use the knowledge acquired to address daily problems.

Gamification is an innovative technological tool to mantaing cognitive domains affected by dementia. Ecological stimulation indoor and outdoor and gamification (a collection of game and cognitive exercises) are concrete instruments to improve personal skill of person with dementia.

Al the same Information about healthy life style (ecological stimulation) and gamification that sitmulate person with dementia could implement caregivers knowledge and empathy to person with dementia difficulties and changes.

Game title*


Description * (max 500 words)

Please describe:

- Activities/game

- What is it?

- Why to improve it?

- Costs

- It’s a user friendly thecnology

- The pros and cons in using it


Table of contents *

Ecological Stimulation.

What can be useful to facilitate life at home (eg post-it) and stimulate cognitive functions (music, read newspaper); the importance of having a social life outdoor, healthy habit (eg walking) and being involving in everyday activities

Stimulation through gamification

Which board games or app might entertain and enjoy people with dementia with a good level of stimulation

Key words *

☐ Indoor (only for the Ecological stimulation)

☐ Outdoor (only for the Ecological stimulation)

☐ Memory (only for Gamification)

☐ Attention (only for Gamification)

☐ Executive functions/working memory (only for Gamification)

☐ Motor perception functions (only for Gamification)

☐ Language (only for Gamification)

☐ Social/emotional skills (only for Gamification)
