Session 2.3

Area 2. MYH4D CoP of people who live with dementia and family caregivers

Session 2.3: Enabling environment

A more supportive community for person with dementia and their caregivers is also caring to transfer people for sanitary and social issues. Social commitment is a dementia protective factor, but some times the family lack of time and recourses reduce the opportunity to participate to community events. Car sharing, bus sharing, social taxi… could be organise to better effort this tasks and give a concrete support to caregivers and person with dementia. Map of facilities inside the community is also provided as “toilet map” to better answer to incontinent needs of person with dementia or “restaurant/cafeteria friendly” with quite rooms, without mirror and other ergonomic issues, to better host person with dementia. Facilities could also be services to allow physical activity and social activities to people with dementia and their caregivers.

Please use the following form to describe the facilities inside dementia friendly community.

Facility *

Title. Please indicate the name of the facility

Description * (max 500 words)

Please describe:

- The facility: description

- Who provide it

- How to use it

- Cost

- The pros and cons in using it

- ….

Table of contents *

Community public services

Community private services

Key words *

☐ Transport (e.g. car sharing)

☐ Public place facilities (e.g. libraries or museums for people living with dementia)

☐ Private shops facilities

☐ Free time (e.g. cafè Alzheimer)

☐ Nursing home
